National Workshop on e-Assessment: Process and Tools

National Workshop on e-Assessment: Process and Tools

Workshop Brochure:   

Duration: 1 week (June 19-26, 2018)

Mode: Online


It was aimed that, at the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Illustrate the role and importance of Assessment and Evaluation in the Teaching-Learning Process of their own subject domain.
  • Select appropriate ICT tools and techniques for formative and summative assessment.
  • Prepare a plan of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) for the learners throughout the UG or PG Degree programme.



No. State Male Female Total
1 Assam 1 1 2
2 Haryana 0 3 3
3 Jammu & Kashmir 2 0 2
4 Karnataka 2 0 2
5 Kerala 3 0 3
6 Madhya Pradesh 1 0 1
7 Maharashtra 2 6 8
8 Rajasthan 1 1 2
9 Tamil Nadu 1 5 6
10 Uttar Pradesh 1 1 2
  Total 14 17 31

State-wise details

Activities and Assignments:

  • Synchronous sessions
  • Discussion Forum activities
  • Quizzes using Edmodo and Testmoz
  • Evaluation rubrics using Rubistar
  • Planning for Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment




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